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The Future of Venture Building is U+ AI

14 March, 2024
10 min read
Jan Beránek
The future of venture building is increasingly linked with artificial intelligence (AI). This shift is not merely driving unprecedented efficiencies and changing operational tactics but is deeply altering how startups come to life and expand.

What is Venture Building?

Venture building is a business model where a parent company creates, develops, and supports new startups from scratch, providing capital, expertise, and operational support to create new revenue streams and unfair advantages. Venture builders are hands-on, actively participating in the startups’ development to de-risk ideas, failure rates, and accelerate growth by using shared resources and networks.

Some of the benefits of venture building include:

  • The ability to create a new business quickly and efficiently.
  • The potential for a higher return on investment than traditional startups.
  • Access to a team of experts who can help with execution on everything from marketing to product development.

The venture building process can vary significantly from one company to another, with core phases including ideation, testing, validation, development, scaling, and funding.

At U+, we follow a similar approach. For our first three steps (ideation, market testing, validation) we incorporate our AI platform FifthRow. This speeds up the process and allows for a smooth transition for our commercialization team to take over.

AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data and learn patterns makes it invaluable in expediting product development cycles. By automating repetitive tasks and leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can speed up the design and prototyping processes, enabling ventures to bring products to market faster. Its ability to automate allows organizations to quickly refine their offerings, ensuring a more successful market entry and faster adaptation to consumer demands.

AI has accelerated corporate innovation by significantly improving how we discover ideas, make the best product decisions, and test our assumptions against reality. As businesses continue to harness the power of AI, they will unlock new levels of creativity and insight, and ultimately propel their results in the digital era.

Choosing the Right Partner for Venture Success

Selecting the right partner for venture building is a critical decision that can significantly influence the success trajectory and growth potential of a new business. This partnership is fundamental because it directly impacts the venture's ability to navigate challenges.

The right partner brings complementary skills, resources, and expertise, enhancing the venture's operational capabilities and strategic decision-making. Furthermore, a strong partnership fosters a supportive environment for innovation, problem-solving, and resilience, essential for overcoming the hurdles of starting and scaling a business. Effective collaboration and aligned vision between partners ensure that the venture can efficiently adapt to market changes, leverage opportunities, and sustain growth.

This synergy not only accelerates progress but also significantly reduces the risk of conflict and failure, making the selection of a compatible partner a critical strategic decision in the venture-building process.


Ideation serves as the brain's creative hub where fresh business concepts are born, nurtured, and refined. It's about more than just coming up with ideas; it's a comprehensive process aimed at uncovering innovative solutions to market needs or challenges that have the potential to evolve into successful startup ventures.

This foundational stage is all about brainstorming, conducting thorough market research, and carrying out feasibility studies to ensure that the idea not only has legs but can also sprint towards success and scalability. It's a time when potential is scoped out, strategies are laid down, and the groundwork for a startup's future is established.

A well-executed ideation process can lead to the development of unique and scalable business models, marking the first checkpoint towards growth, investment, and long-term results.

At U+, we leverage advanced AI tools right from the start to explore problem spaces and identify cutting-edge solutions efficiently and with minimal risk. Through our proprietary Venture Discovery tool, FifthRow, and collaborative brainstorming, we're able to sift through markets, assess idea potential, and pinpoint opportunities with the highest likelihood of success.

Our approach is structured around rapid prototyping and validation, resulting in a comprehensive suite of deliverables—including value hypothesis statements, customer profiles, and a business case with a pitch deck—designed to guide informed decision-making and strategic direction in the venture-building process.

Market Testing

Market testing offers a real-world examination of a new product or service. This stage is designed to assess how potential customers react to the offering, gauge the demand, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing approaches before committing to a widespread launch.

By engaging directly with the market, entrepreneurs can collect invaluable feedback, allowing them to tweak their products, services, and strategies to better meet customer needs and preferences, ultimately enhancing their venture's likelihood of success.

U+ revolutionizes this process with its Market Testing AI, a feature of the FifthRow, designed to validate venture ideas on an unprecedented scale. Imagine having the capability to launch multiple AI-generated landing pages to test market reactions to your venture ideas in just one day, with the potential to roll out up to 30 test sites immediately. This method is not only about speed but also efficiency, offering insights 100 times faster than traditional market testing approaches.

By employing smoke testing techniques that bring product features in front of real users rapidly, U+ enables entrepreneurs to gather broad market insights quickly. This approach, supported by a team of experts in marketing, product, design, and technology, significantly reduces the time and resources typically required for market testing, allowing for agile adjustments and strategic decision-making based on comprehensive market feedback.

Here’s what our market testing stage looked like before using FifthRow:

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Validation serves as the litmus test for a business idea's real-world viability. It's about ensuring that there's a genuine demand for your product or service, that your business model is robust enough to sustain the venture over time, and that you're on track to meet your goals.

This phase involves a variety of strategies, from conducting thorough market research and launching MVPs to performing financial assessments and gathering user feedback. The goal here is to mitigate risks as much as possible and use resources wisely, thereby bolstering the odds of success for new business ventures. It's a process that not only highlights potential challenges early on but also allows entrepreneurs to refine their strategies based on tangible insights.

In tackling the common challenges of slow market entry, high failure rates, and the daunting financial stakes of launching new ventures, FifthRow can redefine the pace and efficiency of venture validation.

FifthRow, with its rapid time-to-market capabilities, leverages AI to sift through extensive data sets, identifying valuable insights that accelerate the journey from concept to revenue. The result is a dramatic reduction in the time and costs typically associated with bringing a new venture to market. This platform doesn't just speed up the process—it also makes venture building more economically feasible for a wider range of organizations, breaking down barriers to innovation and enabling more ideas to flourish in the competitive landscape.

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Product Build

Product build in venture building is the phase where the conceptualized idea is transformed into a tangible product or service. This involves the detailed design, development, and testing of the solution to ensure it meets the needs of the target market and addresses the problem it aims to solve.

The product build phase is fundamentally important in venture building because it serves as the bridge between an idea and a market-ready solution. It's during this phase that a startup validates its assumptions about customer needs and market demand through the creation of a minimum viable product (MVP).

This tangible expression of the idea allows for real-world testing and feedback, which is crucial for refining the product to better meet user expectations and solve the problem at hand effectively.

Moreover, a well-executed product build lays a solid foundation for scaling, as it establishes a viable, desirable, and technically feasible product that can attract customers, generate revenue, and draw the interest of investors.

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Scaling in venture building refers to the process of expanding a startup's operations, customer base, and revenue once it has established a stable product or service and a fit with the market. This phase involves strategic actions to grow the business efficiently and sustainably, while managing resources, technology, and team structures to handle increasing demand.

Aspects of scaling may include entering new markets, enhancing product offerings, increasing sales and marketing efforts, optimizing internal processes for efficiency, and securing additional funding to support growth. The goal is to amplify the venture's impact, reach, and profitability, building on the solid foundation laid during the initial stages of the venture building process.

Scaling is important in the venture building process because it directly influences the long-term results, sustainability, and impact of a startup. Once a startup has proven its business model, product-market fit, and operational viability, scaling becomes the next crucial step to capitalize on its initial successes.

Effective scaling can significantly enhance a company's market share, revenue, and competitive position. It enables startups to leverage their strengths on a larger scale, driving profitability and attracting further investment. Without successful scaling, even the most promising ventures may struggle to achieve their full potential, remain stagnant, or be outpaced by competitors.

Thus, scaling is not just a phase of growth; it's a strategic imperative that ensures a startup's enduring relevance and financial performance in an ever-evolving market landscape.

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Case Study

We recently worked with a large insurance company in California that wanted to explore a broad problem space with the goal of quickly gathering relevant insights, generating viable ventures to explore within the space and validating the top concepts to, at the end, have one or two concepts to pursue further.

Throughout the engagement, we actually identified seven extra subspaces that we then dove deeper into, resulting in the generation of over 200 venture ideas in total. Following a careful selection, 10 venture ideas were chosen for further enrichment, leading to three of those launched as market tests through AI-generated landing pages. For each of the ideas we created three microsite versions, with different positioning and messaging – all within just a few hours with the help of AI (a task that typically takes weeks).

After running paid campaigns for three weeks, one of the concepts being market tested received 50+ sign-ups and performed 5-10x better than the industry averages!

By utilizing FifthRow, our client felt that their innovation team’s productivity increased 2-3 times.

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As we look ahead, it's clear that AI is going to play a massive role in how we build and grow new ventures. It's more than just a tool; it's becoming a partner in the process, meaning that we'll have the ability to make smarter decisions and to do so much faster.

Those smarter decisions and quick automation will help the entire team, not replace them. You still need a core group of experts involved in order to make your venture successful. That’s where U+ comes in. We have over 14 years of innovation experience and we are a world leader in end-to-end innovation delivery. With a 100% in-house team of founders, innovators, investors, and operators, U+ builds for the future.

Don't miss the opportunity to boost your innovation strategy 100x and unlock the full potential of your next venture. Learn more about this game-changing platform, and book a demo, here.

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